Thursday, June 18, 2015
Let me introduce my family ...
I am married to a wonderful man I met the old fashioned way ... in a bar.  It was love at first sight.
He is incredibly supportive of all my endeavors and although he works extremely long hours, he still finds the time to coach.
My firstborn ... words can not express how proud I am of this young man.  In each photo he is beginning to look older and older, which makes me want to freeze time.    ... I love him to the moon and back!

My second child is my baby and always will be.  He's a mama's boy and I pray that never changes.  He is incredibly sweet and loves to cuddle.  How I wish they would stay this size forever!
Life would not be complete without our fur babies ...
I have the sweetest Golden there is ...
and a brand new great dane puppy ... who believes he is a lap dog, which I am afraid may have to change as he grows up!


Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Welcome to Natalie Imhoff Photography! 

When people ask me what I do, there is a pretty substantial pause before I answer.  The truth is, there is no simple answer.  I am a Wife, a Mom, an Entrepreneur, an Event Stylist and Coordinator, Interior Designer, Stella & Dot Stylist, and now, Lifestyle Photographer.  So how do I make off of this work in this crazy life?  Simply put, I enjoy esthetically pleasing things and I want to be surrounded by beauty.

A little about myself ... I am a mom of two incredibly sweet and awesome boys.  When I was pregnant with my first, I started my event planning business, focusing on Brides, called The Bridal Solution, Styled Events :: Inspired Entertaining.  We STILL are going strong and I love meeting and working with all our amazing clients.   I can honestly say I feel like my past couples are family.  The Bridal Solution has been recognized throughout the country in various ways for our style, our signature bars and amazing photo shoots.  We were also named the best Wedding Planner in our area multiple times!  Styling for events became our signature, and through weddings, we eventually began styling and staging for homes, parties and other VIP events.

Even before I became an Event Stylist, I adored photography.  I was the girl in Junior High and High School taking as many photos as I could and spending way too many hours in the dark room.  Yes, I said it ... the dark room.  To me, there is noting as peaceful and relaxing as spending a few hours in a dark room, seeing your visions come to life.  Want to know what turned me off photography and why I didn't pursue this venture?  The digital camera.  I despised it.  More than despised it, I hated it.  But, these were the first digital cameras I was working with.  They were big and bulking, the image was grainy and it wasn't my thing.  However, since DSLR's evolved, I have learned to love my digital camera like I did my first film Nikon.  And now that they have become what they are, I find myself grabbing mine and taking pleasure in taking photos of my boys, my husband, our puppies, and friends. 

I hope you love what you see, I hope it inspires you the way it does me. I would be honored to capture your memories and give you something to cherish for years to come. 

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