Thursday, June 18, 2015
Let me introduce my family ...
I am married to a wonderful man I met the old fashioned way ... in a bar.  It was love at first sight.
He is incredibly supportive of all my endeavors and although he works extremely long hours, he still finds the time to coach.
My firstborn ... words can not express how proud I am of this young man.  In each photo he is beginning to look older and older, which makes me want to freeze time.    ... I love him to the moon and back!

My second child is my baby and always will be.  He's a mama's boy and I pray that never changes.  He is incredibly sweet and loves to cuddle.  How I wish they would stay this size forever!
Life would not be complete without our fur babies ...
I have the sweetest Golden there is ...
and a brand new great dane puppy ... who believes he is a lap dog, which I am afraid may have to change as he grows up!

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